Plans & Pricing

Cost-Effective HR Solution

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Upto 10 Employees




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  • Employees
  • Attendance
  • Events
  • Notices
  • Leaves
  • Holidays
  • Reports
  • Reimbursement
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Upto 25 Employees




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  • Employees
  • Attendance
  • Events
  • Notices
  • Leaves
  • Leads
  • Holidays
  • Reports
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Upto 50 Employees




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  • Employees
  • Attendance
  • Events
  • Notices
  • Leaves
  • Holidays
  • Reports
  • Knowledge Base
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Upto 100 Employees




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  • Clients
  • Employees
  • Projects
  • Attendance
  • Tasks
  • Estimates
  • Invoices
  • Payments
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Upto 10 Employees




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  • Employees
  • Attendance
  • Events
  • Notices
  • Leaves
  • Holidays
  • Reports
  • Reimbursement
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Upto 25 Employees




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  • Employees
  • Attendance
  • Events
  • Notices
  • Leaves
  • Leads
  • Holidays
  • Reports
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Upto 50 Employees




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  • Employees
  • Attendance
  • Events
  • Notices
  • Leaves
  • Holidays
  • Reports
  • Knowledge Base
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Upto 100 Employees




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  • Clients
  • Employees
  • Projects
  • Attendance
  • Tasks
  • Estimates
  • Invoices
  • Payments
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Frequently asked questions

Billing starts after the successful completion of the specified trial period, when you go live with Vetanwala. There’s no contract lock-in, so you can use our services for as long as you wish or stop them whenever your business needs change.

You can cancel your Vetanwala account anytime without any additional charges as there is no lock-in period. If you choose to cancel, please note that we do not offer prorated refunds. Your account will stay active until the end of the current billing cycle, and no additional charges will be applied.

We have robust security measures in place to protect your data. Physical access to our servers is tightly controlled with multiple layers of security. Our multi-tenancy architecture guarantees complete isolation of each customer's data, preventing any data leakage. We enforce stringent user access and password policies to keep your data secure. Additionally, all communications between your browser and our servers are encrypted using high-grade encryption.

The standard implementation of Vetanwala includes employee-friendly salary structures. Additionally, we assist with setting up your payroll compliance at no extra cost, as it is included in the setup fee. We can also suggest policies for leaves, attendance, and other HR operations, but we highly recommend tailoring these to fit your business requirements. We are always available to provide guidance as needed.

Yes, customer support is part of the pricing package. Our support team is known for their quick response times and high success rates in resolving issues. Once the implementation process is finished, you'll have a dedicated support expert available to assist you. They commit to responding to your inquiries within 24 hours.